Birth Injury Medical Malpractice: What You Need To Know
Giving birth is one of the most exciting times in the life of any woman. However, there are some accidents that can happen which can result in disappointing or even tragic outcomes. Depending on the severity of the injuries resulting from the birth, you could be entitled to some damages from the medical provider and staff. The following are some of the different types of birth malpractice lawsuits:
Injuries to the Mother or Child
Injury as a result of the birth could be caused by medical malpractice. The mother and baby can get hurt, or worse, during birth if someone working on your birth is acting with negligence. If you start to bleed profusely without it being tended to, you could go into shock, lose consciousness, or worse. There can be long-lasting effects on the mother and baby in this instance. Another example is if the baby is deprived of oxygen for a long time because his or her levels were not monitored properly.
You also have the option to file an emotional injury lawsuit. This is supposed to be a joyous occasion. Any incident that causes harm to the mother or baby due to the negligence of the medical staff can be a reason to file suit. For example, if you or your baby had to spend months in the intensive care unit because of the hospital or staff negligence, you have grounds to file suit based on emotional and mental distress in addition to your malpractice suit.
Wrongful Birth
A wrongful birth occurs when the medical staff did not inform the parents of a life-altering problem that would prevent the child from living a typical life. The parents have a right to know about any medical problems the baby experiences in utero, along with the prognosis of the child due to the condition. The mother can then opt to make different decisions regarding the pregnancy.
A wrongful birth can be when a doctor or medical professional does not tell the parents or the mother that the baby is suffering from a terminal condition or one that will greatly affect the child's quality of life. Some may not inform the parents because they fear the mother will end the pregnancy. If this can be proven, the parents can opt to sue for wrongful birth to help recoup money that is needed to sustain the child.
Contact a lawyer to learn more about medical malpractice law.