Tips For Having A Successful Workers Compensation Case
If you have found yourself in the position of having to appeal a denial for workers compensation, you will want to take a few moments to review the following tips. This way, you will have a better chance of having a successful case. Here are some tips to get you started:
Hire A Skilled Attorney
One of the first things you may want to do is to consult with a skilled workers compensation defense attorney. He or she will be able to review your case to determine whether they believe you have a good case or what you might be able to do in order to improve your odds of a favorable decision. Also, by having a reputable attorney to represent you, you will not have to deal with the paperwork and phone calls from the workers compensation office directly. Your attorney will handle all of it for you, which can help relieve a lot of stress for you.
Avoid Doing Anything Involving Even The Slightest Amount Of Labor
Whether it is dragging the garbage cans to the curb on garbage night or pulling weeds in front of your house, you will want to avoid doing it. This way, in case there is a private investigator watching you, they will not have the chance to take pictures of you doing things in an attempt to make it appear to the courts that you are actually not as injured as you claim. Even though the smallest of chores might be something that does not take much effort on your part, the investigator could try to make it seem as though it is a lot more intense than it really is.
Keep Up With All Of Your Appointments
Your doctor appointments are some of the most important appointments that you will have, especially considering that you want to make sure that you are going to heal as soon as possible. Also, if it is found out that you have been skipping out on your medical appointments, they might use that information against you. It could be that you are truly in need of going to the doctors still, but you have had trouble with transportation. Either way, they will try to make you look as though you obviously do not need the help, so do whatever you can to make it to all of your appointments.
As long as you are making use of these steps and following through with other suggestions that your attorney gives you, you should have no trouble having an easy case and getting the approval that you need.